All your shit has such fun commentary
All your shit has such fun commentary
I'm forever not going to like this pokeman because I thought it was a whale man from my first glance. Fun video commentary though.
the onnlllyyyy good thing to come out of borderman 3
I like FLAK too.
I do not remember anything other than that, and I played to the credits.
Bird bird bird bird
I dont know how the leg armor would work but everything here has so much fuckin' heart
More like lonely fortnite, get owned kiddo
dmingdmog diggie mong gmimie dog dimgodogi
Top tier; especially with all of that script on them
What exactly script? I did'nt left any scripts or descriptions.
Big armor big armor big armor big armor
Heyo! I'm a writer as of this thanksgiving. I want to rule the world some day, I think I just might do so. If you want to support that shiz, pick up my big-ass novel.
Age 25
Joined on 12/19/19